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Precise format adjustments in labelling machines at 1,000 bottles per minute

Rotary and linear bearing technology has existed in KHS systems for more than 20 years.

Numerous rotary and linear bearings from our product range are not the only ones installed in KHS GmbH's labelling machines. We supply complete, ready-to-install modules such as adjustment systems and guide rollers. From the KHS's point of view, this not only simplifies assembly. It also ensures high-precision, high-speed working sequences.


  • What was needed: drylin W linear guides, drylin SLW linear unit with lead screw drivexiros polymer ball bearings, energy chains of the series E2/000
  • Requirements: High requirements with a throughput of 1,000 bottles per minute: High precision, corrosion resistance, resistance to cleaning agents, high wear resistance, freedom from lubricants.
  • Industry: Beverages sector, bottling systems
  • Success for the customer: Whether height adjustments, guide rollers or adjustment of the work table: The used rotary and linear bearing technology has met the high requirements in various KHS systems for around twenty years. The customer receives not only the bearings, but the complete functional components ready for installation.


60,000 bottles per hour or 1,000 bottles per minute and just under 17 every second: this is the output of a typical KHS beverage filling and packing plant. The company KHS traditionally sees its core competence in labelling technology and is one of the global market leaders in this field.
KHS offers bottlers labelling stations for different technologies (hot glue, cold glue, roll-fed or self-adhesive). One of the latest developments in the "Innoket Neo" modular system is the roll-fed station, which replaced the predecessor Innoket 360S at the end of 2016. Roll-fed means: The wrap-around labels are unwound from a roll, cut to the correct length in the cutting unit and glued using a roller. Then they are applied to the bottle. The bottle rotates during delivery of the label, which is directly brushed down. Typical of this technology is the "Autosplicer", which seamlessly splices the two label rolls and thus ensures uninterrupted operation of the machine.
At a breathtaking speed of around 1,000 bottles per minute, high demands are placed on all moving components, especially their precision.
KHS' strategy: In the case of new developments in labelling technology, modules and systems for individual functions - for example horizontal adjustment unit or guide rollers - are increasingly being purchased as ready-to-install components. Here, a whole series of requirements must be met. Wetness and humidity during filling requires components that are highly resistant to corrosion and common cleaning media. High wear resistance and hygiene are at least just as important. Lubrication-free components help to avoid contamination – especially when empty, open bottles are being labelled.


The used bearing technology – rotatively used iglidur bearing bushings as well as drylin linear technology – has fulfilled the high requirements in various KHS systems for around twenty years. What is new, however, is that the customer not only purchases the bearings, but completely ready-to-install functional components. Numerous examples of this can be seen at the Innoket Neo roll-fed station:
Height adjustment of the cutting mark sensor
For example, the height adjustment of the cutting mark sensor (see picture 1 below). So far, KHS has always assembled this function themselves from numerous parts. Now they are completely purchased from us: with linear adjustment unit, clamping, measuring scale and fixing for assembly. The basis is a drylin W linear guide WS-10-40.
Guide rollers of the label guidance
A second example is the guide rollers for the label guidance through the roll-fed station (Picture 2). The rollers - which are also lubrication-free and corrosion-resistant - are equipped with xiros polymer ball bearings (Picture 3). The roller material was selected in practical tests such that the exact desired frictional resistance is met.
Adjustment of the work table
The horizontal adjustment unit of the entire work table is a further complete system. It helps to adjust the distance of the roll-fed station to the basic machine. The adjustment is done by a handle using a drylin SLW lead screw (Picture 4). The rear guidance was designed with drylin W linear guides WSQ-16 (Picture 5). And an energy chain of the series E2/000 flexibly supplies the labelling station with energy, signals, vacuum and compressed air (Picture 6).

Deflection and adjustment systems Picture 1: KHS obtains the sensor adjustment for the cutting mark detection of the label as a ready-to-install module. The basis is a drylin W linear guide.
Support rollers, guide rollers Picture 2: Various guide rollers are also provided.
Guide roller xiros ball bearing Picture 3: Ideal solution for the beverage industry: The axes of the guide rollers are mounted with xiros polymer ball bearings. In the picture: looking at the roll from above.
drylin linear technology horizontal adjustment work table Picture 4: The entire work table can be adjusted horizontally - with a lubrication-free system consisting of the building blocks of the drylin linear technology.
Bearing work table drylin Picture 5: The drylin W linear guides are used for the rear bearing of the work table.
energy chain Picture 6: The energy chain in the substructure ensures mobility of the energy and signal supply.


I look forward to answering your questions

Aw Kai Hua

Product Manager for iglidur® Bearings ASEAN

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